Poverty Alleviation
Goodwill Group is a Thai foundation offering personal and career development services to disadvantaged women and girls in Thailand.
Goodwill Group Foundation
Goodwill Group is a Thai foundation established in Bangkok in December 2000, offering personal and career development services to disadvantaged women and girls in Thailand. These include - women's health and rights, life skills, mentoring, career placement, vocational training and career assesment
The mission of Goodwill Group is to improve the quality of life of young Thai women via skills training and career services. The underlying philosophy of our organization is best found in the words of Ruby Manikan, "If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate a family."
Most of Goodwill's students have migrated to Bangkok from the Northeast and are working to support not only themselves, but also their parents and quite often, children living upcountry with them. With little education and few job skills, these women often face a lot of pressure, both direct and indirect, to enter the sex industry.
Impact To Date
women educated and trained
total funds raised
Scale Of The Problem
Female migration
49% of female migrants in Bangkok
have migrated in pursuit of better income.

~7.3 million
people living in poverty in Thailand.