Bangkok Skydiving Adventure
August 2014
In this episode, TCRP managed to convince a group of 17 well-intentioned individuals to fly to Bangkok and throw themselves out of a moving plane.
Field Notes
Of course we’re not completely crazy. Of the group, five thought better of it and decided to go make some authentic Thai food instead.
We are happy to report that every single one of them lived to tell the tale. Even the aforementioned thrown-out-of-plane-ers.
Leading up to the trip, the courageous cooking team put themselves through a series of monitored simulations in various high-heat, high-stress environments to stomach this momentous, life-changing event. As for the team of sky-divers, they got tossed up in the air in colour-coordinated garb by an oversized fan in a plastic tube on a remote, offshore location.
Sentosa, to be exact.
These gutsy Catalysts, all 17 of them, came together with the common goal of raising funds and awareness for the Goodwill Group Foundation in bucket list ticking fashion.
On a more serious note, the Goodwill Group Foundation has existed since 2000 to help disadvantaged women in Thailand turn their lives around and improve their economic situations. These women are often caught in a negative loop of circumstances that leads to unfortunate jobs. Due to limited job skills and nary an education, they are often ill equipped for life in the big city. Additionally, pressures abound that force them—directly or indirectly—to enter the sex industry. The odds are stacked pretty high.
Trip Impact

Goodwill Group Foundation
Training School for Disadvantaged Youths
Lives impacted
Funds Raised
On a more serious note, the Goodwill Group Foundation has existed since 2000 to help disadvantaged women in Thailand turn their lives around and improve their economic situations. These women are often caught in a negative loop of circumstances that leads to unfortunate jobs. Due to limited job skills and nary an education, they are often ill equipped for life in the big city. Additionally, pressures abound that force them—directly or indirectly—to enter the sex industry. The odds are stacked pretty high.
The Goodwill Group Foundation seeks to change that. It offers a safe place where young women can seek advice, gain confidence, and be empowered. Specifically, they provide personal and career development services, help create new economic opportunities, and enable them with new marketable vocational skills. Services that the women in question cannot otherwise afford to pay, are made possible by kind donations and volunteers.
New beginnings, alternate possibilites, renewed hope—in other words, a new chance in life.
This is precisely what the Catalysts are trying to help facilitate with a shared goal of raising S$1000 each. Let’s help lift the marginalized, so their lives won’t go into a complete freefall.
– Aw Jet Chin (Bangkok Catalyst)
Zachary Walker
Christina Chuang
Rachel Tan
Quek Kwang Yong
Angeline Chan
Elvira Ang
Leonard Tham
Melissa Yeap
Charlotte Hsu
Jaclyn Chan
Ploy Thanatavornlap
Aw Jet Chin
Kevin Teo
Greg White
Zhang Shujun
Zhang Tingjun
Christina Liew
" The trip was organized very well. The people were great. The charity we raised funds for is not only credible but has also gained a lot of traction and good for the women in Bangkok. And most importantly, I didn’t die from the crazy jump. Overall, it was an
Supported By
Metropolitan Hotel, Bangkok