Run San Ramon
July 2015
On July 4, TCRP went stateside to take part in Run San Ramon to commemorate Independance Day and took a stand against Domestic Violence in the USA.
Field Notes
A family that runs/walks/cheers together is a family that stays together! On American Independence Day this year, the Chang/Liew family rallied two good friends and took on the Run San Ramon race together in the scenic Northern Californian canyons. The 5K/10K route winded through the streets of San Ramon, located in sprawling Contra Costa County.
This mini team of TCRP Catalysts was racing for a purpose: to raise funding and support for STAND!, a domestic violence intervention organization located in the County. STAND! operates services including a hotline, emergency contact team, shelter, and violence prevention education.
Trip Impact

Helping domestic abuse victims
Lives impacted
Funds Raised

Catalyst Abe Teng is a police officer who is often faced with investigating cases of domestic violence. He joined the TCRP team to raise awareness for a critical issue that crosses boundaries of race, geography and social-economic status. Working with victims of domestic violence from all walks of life has made Abe realize that this is “an issue that can’t be ignored.”
Also joining the team is former TCRP team leader Amanda LeVett, who came in second place in her category. We applaud her continued commitment to push worthwhile causes, and welcome back her enthusiasm and energy!
Grace Chang
Michael Chang
Amanda LeVett
Alvin Liew
Christina Liew
Jeremy Liew (cheerleader)
Abe Teng
“We’ve retired and settled in the town of San Ramon, so we’re glad to support