Disaster Relief

When crisis strikes, whether due to natural or man made disasters, strategic intervention can make a positive difference. Through humanitarian organizations like Mercy Relief, we extend a helping hand.

Mercy Relief

Mercy Relief is Singapore's only homegrown independent non-governmental humanitarian charity, established to respond to human tragedies in Asia. Its aid programmes include providing timely and effective assistance to disaster-stricken communities; and longer-term development projects to uplift the lives of the impoverished and disadvantaged, focusing on water & sanitation, shelter, sustainable livelihoods, healthcare and education. Mercy Relief serves the less fortunate and needy regardless of country, culture or creed.

Officially launched by then-Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in September 2003, it also seeks to promote a civic life of compassion, care and volunteerism. It is an Institution of Public Character since 2003.

To date, MR has touched the lives and hearts in 23 countries, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Palestine, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Yemen.

Impact To Date


lives impacted


total funds raised

Scale Of The Problem

8.1 million

people affected

What We've Done