February 28, 2012
TCRP2012 Training Sesh #1!
26 Feb 2012, 9am, Singapore Botanic Gardens
It was a rare sight when 13 and a half of us (yes, Shei Wah brought along little Irving to join us!) showed up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by the Symphony Lake at the Botanic Gardens and started to tango with some very tough rubber bands under the watchful eyes of our energetic coach, Tham Wai Yee, from SWEAT!
We stretched and we pulled and we shuffled squatted strained punched lifted against the resistance of the colour-coded exercise bands. There were occasional grunts of exertion amidst lots of riotous laughter as we taunted one another to do better in a brilliant display of camaraderie. “Wait, did someone say that the green bands provide the toughest resistance? Then why are you only using the red?!” *Ouch!* ;p
By the end of the session, Wai Yee almost had us gasping for divine intervention as we counted out the 3 sets of 20 sit-ups… okay, so it wasn't really that bad – 'struth!! What actually happened was we finished off with a lovely brunch at Casa Verde, still laughing and talking about our plans for our Davao trip.
Group 'training' sessions are truly great opportunities to get to know one another, and from what I can tell from this initial meeting, our TCRP2012 adventure is going to be FUN!
– Jasmine Wong, Director & Co-Founder, (TCRP)