October 27, 2012
We kicked off our training series with three weeks of easy running and strength training at Labrador Park. Early on Saturday mornings, some catalysts were bouncing off the walls (we’re looking at the Reynolds kids!), others were recovering from big Friday nights, and more still were a little apprehensive about getting back into shape. The one thing they all had was steely determination to train themselves into scarily awesome running machines! Aw yiss.
Week one had us starting out with Wilson from KinetikEdge who had catalysts running an easy loop around Labrador, with some strength training built in to the program.
Week two was a crazy session run by our star catalyst Aziz which started out deceptively slow and then built into a strength training session that had catalysts doing “spidermans” and leap frogs. By midweek everyone reported back that, yes, they were feeling a very satisfying burn in their thighs.
Week three saw some catalysts from our Mt. Apo trip earlier this year joining training for a bit of fun and catch ups. Some strength training and another 9 kilometres later, the post-training prata session was well-deserved.
Join us on our other training sessions leading up to TCRP 2012: Siem Reap!
Click here to check out our weekly training schedule:Training Schedule